Do scented candles expire?

When you find a half-burned or even unburned scented candle in the corner of your home…

When for some reason you have to put off your plans to sell candles…

Whether as a consumer, or as a private-label candle seller, there is a question that is very concerned about whether the candle will expire or not.

Do scented candles expire? For this question, my answer is: YES,but that doesn’t mean you have to toss it.

The Shelf Life of Scented Candles

The longevity of a candle can vary widely depending on its composition. For example, paraffin candles made with synthetic oils, so it can last for years, while candles made with vegetable waxes like soy wax/coconut wax and essential oils are best used within 1 year. A good rule of thumb is to light candles within a year of purchasing them.

Scented candles do expire. For expired scented candles, it’s not like food we have to throw them away. Usually this refers to the fact that the best time to light/enjoy scented candles is past.

Why Candles Expire?

Why we don’t recommend to keep candle so long?

Typically, scented candles consist of several components: wax, sesame oil.

These ingredients all slowly degrade over time, and even under certain conditions, can speed up the process.

  • Usually, fragrance oil/essential oils are the first to dissipate. Because the essential oil molecules are slowly but continuously evaporating from the wax into the air, for the first 6-12 months, you will feel little change, after that, your candle will still burn normally, but the smell changes and then no smell anymore gradually.
  • paraffin and beeswax candles are different, they are more stable and can last almost indefinitely if stored correctly. Paraffin is inert, non-reactive, and very stable.
  • Soybean wax and coconut wax are more prone to breaking down over time, they are derived from soybean oil and coconut oil, which obviously come from plants. We can’t expect plants to never rot, nor can you expect soy wax and coconut wax to remain stable all the time.
  • For added aesthetics and to create a different kind of feel and energy, some candles are colored with dye. They also fade over time.
  • With prolonged exposure to UV light, it causes the dyes mixed into the wax to oxidize and degrade. This is why we recommend that you try to avoid placing candles in direct sunlight. (will be discussed next)

How to Store Your Candles

First, avoid direct sunlight. This is because UV radiation breaks down the material over time, causing the color to fade and the smell to dissipate

Second, try to use a container with a lid to hold your candle, even if it is not a sealed lid, it can effectively delay the decay of the candle.

Third, avoid high-temperature environment, because it will have wax melt and oil evaporated.

Other Candle Care Tips

Properly burning candles are always safe, and can help you get the most out of your candles and maximize your burning time:

  • 1) Always trim the wick and check for debris.
  • 2) The First burn is the most important – make sure that the entire first layer of wax melts
  • 3)Keep the flame away from moving air. keep the flame from sputtering or being blown out.
  • 4) Avoid areas with high humidity or moisture (e.g. bathrooms).
  • 5) don’t leave the candle burning for more than four hours at a time.

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