How to burn a candle in the right way?

1. Melt the whole way across the top

The first time you light your candle, burn it long enough (2-3 hours) for the surface to melt almost all the way across. Candle wax has a kind of inbuilt  ‘memory’ in that once it is melted the first time, it it will melt again easier the next time.

2, Trim the wick

To ensure a nice clean burn. don’t let the wick get too long. When you relight, trim the wick down to 0.3cm to 0.5cm.

3, Avoid the mushroom

This mushroom shape is caused by carbon deposits and happens when the flame starts to burn more wax than the wick can cope with. It can be a sign that the wick is too big for the candle, but may also happen if you are just burning it for too long in one go. If it happens, wait for it to cool and trim back before you relight.

4. Keep it clean

Keep your candle free from all foreign objects such as bits of match or anything else that might accidentally fall in to it. These things will just pollute the burn (and might not smell that great) but more importantly – could be potentially dangerous. A cover is also a good idea to keep dust out. 

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