How to name your scented candle?

One of the keys to the success of a popular candle product is the name.

However, many people ignore this and don’t name their candles or just use the name of their company.

And others, do not know how to name their candles.

Today in this article, we’ll talk about how to name your own scented candles.

1、Why is it so important to name a candle?

Naming candles means letting them exist, giving them a real identity. However, giving a candle a name means much more than that.

Naming is a key element of marketing strategy.

The choice of a name, whether for an individual, a public service or an industrial product, is the result of a strategic marketing campaign that takes into account both the quality of the object to be named and its possible use in the given context. In the business and manufacturing environment, the goal of naming is actually to create a product-related image that can be easily and effectively used in advertising campaigns.

The name gives the existence and life of the candle through its position, image, influence and legal protection. A well-thought-out and carefully chosen name helps identify a product, gives it inherent power and, most importantly, represents a rich configuration of the symbols and meanings it embodies.

The simplest example:

When we say”Apple,” our first reaction is a phone brand. It’s not a fruit; when we talk about Amazon, We’re probably thinking of an Amazon sales platform, not the Amazon River, not the Amazon rainforest.

So a successful product name will also bring you great business value.

2、What are the elements of a successful name?

  • Give consideration to both reason and emotion

For private brands, I believe that many people will use their own name for their own brand name, because it contains a strong personal feelings, many well-known brands are also named after the founder’s name. Coco Chanel, Calvin Klein, Missoni, Armani, Dior, Davidoff, etc.

So from a rational point of view, the product name should impress the customer, and not all surnames are easy to read and remember.

Key points: short, simple, easy to pronounce, easy to recognize, easy to remember.

  • It can evoke good memories, feelings, moments

A good product name can always make Lenovo into something wonderful. Imagine lighting an aromatherapy candle, feeling the glow of the flame, the heat of the burn, the aroma of the Wax Bath. It’s a subjective, unique process. If you can skilfully summarize this process and give it a proper name, it will be perfect.

  • Be Different

It takes a lot of imagination to give a good name to a candle.

For different kinds of candles, they have different characteristics, different tastes, different colors. In its uniqueness, we have to aim at its raw materials, the background of its birth, in the tradition and innovation between the perfect balance.

It’s a creative process that takes into account emotional sustenance, business value, market feedback, and a test of imagination and descriptive ability, but it’s worth it.

  • 3、How Do you name a scented candle?

Everyone has a different way of thinking, and I’m just offering one possibility:

Use Pen and paper to describe the new candle you want, its style, taste, color, and how you plan to promote it.

Then look for a story, a story that can be told in your ad, a story repeated in the name of a candle, and hint at its smell. A picture, a place, a person, a thing, an emotion, the more detailed the better.

Your inspiration will come to you, perhaps just before you go to sleep, and a wonderful name will come to your mind. Cherish this moment, and be sure to write it down, because you won’t remember it the next morning.

For a small company or independent candle maker, every perfume you create and launch is too important. So don’t neglect to give the product a name. It was all worth it.

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